Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tang Dynasty Editorial

The Tang should not have believed in a Buddhist society,where the people were supposed to live in a peaceful society with inner peace and compassion for everything around them.People were even complaining that Buddhism had parts that were interfering/invading Confucianism.For example,Han Yu was a poet and a high official,he was also a Confectionist,but disbelieved in Buddhism, and didn't trust the religion/way of life.He especially didn't like the talk of relics("body parts that supposedly belonged to the Buddha himself").

People should definitely have complained about trying to use a Buddhist society in their government for a peaceful,spiritual life.What would the people do if they were invaded?Would they run?Would they give up their land?Would they even dare to fight back?No...They would just back off because all they would be believing in was a Buddhist society that didn't really have a fighting side of it.If the Tang was being overthrown by the citizens,they would run,because they wouldn't have a strong army to hold off all of the thousands and millions of people that would be rioting to overthrow them.

Another example of why the Tang should not use Buddhism for their government is because it would cause an influence on the Chinese culture.The citizens were worried about the wealth and independence of the monasteries,even though there were monks that were contributing to their society and hospitals and making gardens of food for the sick and the poor people,they were seen by the monks as self-sufficient kingdoms.The government was even trying to tax them more for having monasteries!!!There was stuff that was expensive arts being taken by the government officials for the Emperor's treasury!The belief of Buddhism caused hatred of monasteries to some people just because it had invaded China's beliefs!

A final example that was found about why Buddhism should be stopped is because of all of the bad things it had caused because of all of the monasteries and all of the beliefs of Buddhism.The Emperor had ordered that 40,000 shrines and 4,600 monasteries would be destroyed.But he also forced 260,000 monks and nuns to give up their own religious beliefs and made them return to their "original life."If the monks and nuns were believing in what they wanted,the whole government would be a train wreck because all of the government would be made up of a bunch of smaller religions instead of one giant one that they could all just follow,nothing would be different,they would all be the same,but no,everyone wanted themselves to be able to believe in what they felt they should,and that would anger many,many people.

Some people say that I am just a liar and a fake but I am not,I am a reporter who thinks he should get the REAL news out to the government and all of China,if I was lying,I would say that Buddhism was killing people because of it's bad influence on our lives.The disbelievers just think we should keep our lives the way it is now so that everyone is individual and can make their own choices,but that's not how life works!Life is about people growing up,getting jobs,helping the economy exceed and taking ownership and responsibility for what they think is right.

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